Gamification Use Cases: How to Gamify Corporate Training

Mar 10, 2022 | Corporate Training & Onboarding, Gamification

Gamification is one of the most potent ways to engage learners. It’s an excellent way for your employees to learn and apply their knowledge in real-world situations.

However, it can be hard to get started with gamification because there are many different tools out there, each with its purpose and audience. You may need something that helps you create a game or toolkit from scratch, while others might want an off-the-shelf solution. And then some people will just want more information about how they can use gamification for specific purposes like training, sales enablement, or customer service support.

With our software platform, we help organizations design and deploy effective gamified learning programs that meet their needs based on who they are trying to reach (employees vs. customers) and what content they need to consume (game mechanics vs. scenarios).

In this blog, we’ll discuss how businesses can gamify corporate training.

Why gamification matters for corporate training?

Gamification in corporate training is an inventive way of driving relevant, measurable results. With the implementation at your company, you can anticipate more engaged employees and higher productivity rates!

You have a lot to gain when gamification comes into play for your organization: increased engagement levels and positive feedback are just benefits of this innovative technique.

What are the benefits of gamifying corporate training?

Gamification offers several other benefits, such as making training sessions more exciting and fun for the participants. It makes it an excellent tool to encourage employees to learn new skills regularly without feeling like they’re being lectured or talked down.

A well-known benefit of gamified corporate training is that it makes learning both engaging and enjoyable. It also has many others:

  • Promotes knowledge retention.
  • Employees are more motivated in their training when you add a fun element and provide rewards or recognition.
  • Boost in teamwork and collaboration
  • High chances of employee retention
  • Measurable progress through defined learning objectives

Gamification improves retention

Aside from these benefits, gamified training is better than traditional training approaches because it:

  • It gives employees a sense of accomplishment
  • Boost learning and engagement
  • Encourage behavioral and social changes
  • Promotes healthy competition within the organization

Gamification is a new way to train people. Gamification training might cost more than conventional training, but it leads to better learning.

You don’t have to be a video game nerd to benefit from the world of gaming. Gamified training can help you learn more and remember what you knew because it teaches better learning skills than traditional methods do!

How to use games in your training

  1. Identify the purpose of the training

The purpose of training and gamifying should be to help learners remember what they learn. People are more likely to remember actions than words, so if the learner does not have a plan or goal in mind, then they will most likely get confused and lose track.

  1. Use gamification to create a healthy competitive environment.

To create an engaging and successful gamified training environment, you should first know the goals of your program. You do not want to compete with participants for unhealthy reasons. Instead, focus on making it a helpful way to teach them how to collaborate better. It allows each individual some personal time so that their skills will improve faster.

Before you finally begin figuring out exactly what this whole “gamification” thing is all about, remember that there are particular goals everyone needs to fulfill as soon as possible. Some examples of the tasks could be creating healthy competition where people learn from one another but still have enough space for improvement individually without feeling threatened by others’ success or failures. Otherwise, we’ll never get anywhere!

  1. Plan your gamified training

Introducing gamified corporate training can be a challenging job. You have to submit games without compromising the learning process, making it both fun and informative at the same time!

Here are the following key points to remember for a well-planned gamified corporate training:

  • Gamified training should be purposeful.
  • Connect incentives with gamification.
  • Encourage instant feedback processes to promote learning.
  • Acknowledge multiple trainees for the same thing to turn the training into a healthy competition.
  • Recognize the excellent performance of trainees who did right in training to encourage positive behavior.
  • Allow self-paced learning.
  • Allow employees to opt-out from participating in the game to not feel pressured or stress-out.
  • Consider quality activity than timed and quantified activities.
  1. Create a realistic reward system for your gamified training

Rewards should tailor the audience. You need to read your learners and find which aspects of the learning experience they enjoy most. Then you can use rewards for them not only to feel accomplished but also to stay motivated!

One way is by giving out incentives when the participants complete these actions. It makes the participants feeling more successful at their endeavors while positively reinforcing behaviors that are beneficial overall.

  1. Make socialization also a priority.

One of the most significant benefits of effective gamification in corporate training is that it allows participants to interact, communicate, and collaborate. It can be one thing you won’t miss cashing on. Carry out ice-breaking activities early on in your gamification plan for best results!

Likewise, it allows people to have an easier time learning from each other and feeling like they are part of something bigger than themselves.

  1. Make the gamified training challenging.

If you want your training program to be effective and engaging, the participants must consider it challenging and exciting. If it is not, then what’s the point?

Design a program training that makes the participants feel involved and challenged. It’s essential to have fun when exercising, making sure it doesn’t become too tedious!

In Conclusion

Gamification in corporate training is not about making the experience fun. It’s all about transforming otherwise dull topics into enjoyable game-like activities, so your employees will go through an entire course without skipping a beat. To get more information on how to gamify your own company’s training, contact Cluehub experts now for a free consultation and see what we can do for you!

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